Required Template Files

A number of template files must exist before you can create a new project from a project template.


This is a template project. The project should have two project-level code fields defined, with the following labels:

  • Code field 1: Home Currency
  • Code field 2: Project Type


This is a template calendar. This calendar can be assigned to the template project or identified using the TemplateCalendarName setting.

Rate File

This is a template rate file.

This rate file may be assigned to the template project or identified using the TemplateRateFileName setting.

Resource Files

You need multiple resource files supporting various combinations of home currency and units.

  • There must be one resource file for each possible combination of home currency/units.
  • A relevant resource file will be chosen by the project creation process.
  • The resource assigned to the template project is ignored unless the CopyProjectBEFile setting is used.

Home Currency Code File

This is a code file containing a list of valid home currency codes.

Structure File

This is a code file that will be assigned as the CA1 structure on the new project.